Tuesday, December 22, 2009

christmas is just at the corner!!!

23 December 2009, Wednesday..

It's year end again!! hm... can i make my christmas wish?? Can i have my dream christmas present list??

1. Stay happie - i think i will stay happie, real happy if i have all these..... hehe

2. Stay young - would be good if someone can supply me, La mer facial product

3. Stay energetic in work - probably a mont blanc pen and/or a Loewe Leather bag can help in that...

4. Feel secure - opps.. God blessed. I have got my dream house. ;p.. nevertheless, a full equiped coffee maker would make the house perfect!!!

5. ooh ooh.. i can never forget my collection of watch --- hm.. still thinking about the BALL.. haha

6. pray hard hard that my wallet will be full with money. and i strongly believe that the mney can best fit in the LOEWE classic series wallet

Greedy of me???? CERTAINLY NOT!!! everyone deserve to dream!

Monday, December 14, 2009


14 十二月,2009 星期一


事实上, 除了公作上忙碌以外, 自己心里也认为好像没啥好写的。。

可是现在想想, 中间的过程好像也完成了不少我想要完成的事。。


朋友们, 我买了一间屋子了!! 真真实实是我梦想中的家。。


我和凯威终于达到一定的共识了, 现在我们的相处也好像比以前好多了。。


现在的我, 不禁怀疑, 这样的幸福, 真的是属于我的吗?

这份幸福, 它会陪伴我很久很久吗?

我想, 我已经沉沦在这样的幸福里了。。

Saturday, November 14, 2009

我曾经爱过,也曾经努力争取过, 当然也给了机会大家共同尝试。。

但, 世事并不可能理所当然地如我所愿。。

我当然也不可能坐以待毙, 不能奢想他人为我铺路, 实现我梦想。。

既然如此, 就得靠自己努力, 一点一滴地把自己的梦想填满。。。

毕竟, 快乐不是等待他人奢侈的。。

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 2009

1st Nov 2009, 星期天

已经接近年尾了。。 时间真的是悄悄地流逝了。。


为什么没有更新我的部落格? 当然, 除了忙, 就是没啥有趣的事情发生。。


但, 谁说平淡不是一种幸福呢??

老实说, 开始了这份工作, 我好像渐渐地找回。。 《珍惜拥有的》。。那种想法。。

以前, 当我一想到, 我离乡背井来到新加坡, 就应当, 理所当然,必须拥有事业, 生活和感情顺利。。 当有什麽不称心, 就会变得很懊恼, 然后怨天尤人。。

谁说事情一定必须 称我心, 如我愿呢? 又或许, 我已经拥有了别人眼中的幸福与成就, 只不过, 我被贪念盖住了眼睛,一心想要得到更多, 而没有好好地珍惜眼前所拥有地?

现在的这份工作, 的确比上一份辛苦。。 但, 一看到我的同事们认真的工作, 我不禁感恩, 我不是比他们幸福得多吗? 我不是比他们拥有得多吗? 还有啥好抱怨的?

有时候, 当我们对身边的人,事,物, 拥有不满时。。 真的, 停下脚步,定一定心情。。 看一看, 想一想, 原来, 我们拥有的, 真的很多。。很多。。 深深地一个呼吸, 不爽的心情,原来也可以随着呼吸, 消失地无影无终了。。

Saturday, October 17, 2009

朋友们, 你们好吗?

17th October 2009, 星期六

已经很久都没写部落格了。。 很忙, 真的很忙, 也有一点累。。 老实说, 其实也有点后悔,不过, 后悔是改变不了现况的。。 所以, 我决定, 把后悔变成力量!! 发奋图强! 加油! 加油!!

朋友们你们还好吗? 对不起, 真的好久都没有联络了。。 我没有忘记你们。。 每一天, 我都希望你们过得幸福, 快乐。。

我嘛, 还是个老样子咯。。 现在还是在新加坡工作。。 不同的是, 换了个东家, 换了工作环境, 也换了生活环境。。

以前, 我都是住在柔佛, 每天搭巴士和地铁去上班。。 朝九晚六的, 准时上班, 准时回家。。 现在嘛, 就住在新加坡, 住的地方和上班的地点十分,非常接近。。 可是, 就没得准时下班了。。

就说嘛, 我是真的很忙的啦!!

有些人会问, 这样辛苦, 值得吗? 我想, 值不值得, 不是重点。。 毕竟, 这是生活的一部分嘛。。

所以, 朋友们, 生活上, 不论有遇到称心或真不如意的时候,都希望你们能以平常心对待。。 毕竟, 这只是生活的一部分。。

Thursday, October 1, 2009

First day work!!

1st October 2009, Thursday

Today is my first day work in my new office. ;)
Overall, i am happy with this job.. so far so good le..
Colleagues are nice & humour..
Things are good.. small company.. bit messy of filing system (unlike my previous company, with the ISO filing) good or not good? certainly not up to me to judge..
as long as i am happy with it... it doesn't matter... ;)
i have been telling myself.. be satisfy with what i have, stay happy...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


30th September 2009, Wednesday

终于, 又回到了轨道了。。就在明天, 我又要开始新的工作, 新的生活了。。

昨天, 在飞机上,我不禁问自己, 是我的宿命吗? 离开家人, 离开朋友。。

自我中学毕业以来, 我就没有机会好好地留在家里, 享受家庭的温暖。。 纵使有三年的时间是在蒲种工作, 也因为工作忙碌, 很少机会待在家里。。

认识我的人都知道, 我其实是一个很恋家的人。。 我很喜欢待在家里, 即使哪里也不去, 什么都不做, 我也开心。。


其实, 我也觉得很无奈的啦。。 想想, 我就变成很忧郁了。。

可是, 再往另一个方向想, 如果这真的是冥冥中的安排, 的确是我的宿命, 得远离家乡, 到另一个地方去发展。。

那为什么我偏偏要钻牛角尖, 非得要把自己搞得闷闷不乐呢?

的确,我是想留在家里。。 的确, 我是想拥有自己的家。。 的确, 现在的我, 和梦想中有很大的差异。。 但, 其馀钻牛角尖, 倒不如, 珍惜现在所拥有的。。把我所有的, 变成实现梦想的动力和筹码。。

那, 不是更加有意思吗?

好了! 就酱子决定了!! 好好加油哦!!

我的幸福, 我来了!!

p/s: 谁说幸福是别人给的? 明明就是自己努力得来的。。 ;)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


dear fellow friends...

here i am, back from holiday -- Sydney..

Please give me some time to tidy up and/edit the photos..

thank god that i am back already as today news says Sydney is suffering from red haze blanket and many flights has been postponed & rescheduled.


love everyone.. i am happy to give myself this 3 weeks break before i start another new job. phiew.. made a real good decision.. have not been so relax and satisfy with life for so long...

i need a break, and i am having it...


Monday, September 14, 2009

The sweet darling.. baby zoey..

14th September 2009, Monday

Look at this sweet darling.. Adorable, isn't she??

She is Darling Zoey -- Ai May's daughter, born on 0909009.

hope everyone reading this blod give her the best wishes & blessing.. for her to stay happy, stay adorable, stay healthy, stay lovely...

Auntie lilie love you, baby zoey..

daddy's birthday!!

13th September 2009, Sunday

Today is daddy's 57th birthday!!

We had "mee sua" for breakfast.. have i ever mentioned that my mum cook awesome mee sua?? yummy!!

We went to Victoria Station, USJ for dinner.. We did bring camera to the restaurant, but everyone is so hungry and couldn't be bother to take pics in the restaurant.. haha...

Fortunately, we manage to take some pictures at home.. ;)

Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What a Bitch!

2nd Sept 2009, Wednesday

That bitch steps on my tail today..

Bitch: What is FSS room means?
me: I don know le. Architect mentioned about it, but i have no idea what it is.
Bitch : (with CB smile on her CB face) I know you are leaving next friday, so now you don bother anything d..
Me : wa! you don say like that, i am still doing work one le...
Bitch (with even more CCB look): if can don do, you don want to do already..
Me : who say, i am still doing a lot of work now. Don anyhow say!

With my bloody CB face. She realize that she had say something wrong. and just keep quiet and go back to her "work"..

WTF!! i din realized that i have dislike her till this extend!


Saturday, August 29, 2009

原来, 我真的不是一个那么坚强的人。。。

许多的无奈, 言语无法形容。。
我爱的人, 却已经是离我最远的人。。

想怎样? 强抓着不属于我的快乐吗?


但, 已经习惯了一个人舔伤口。。

原来, 我真的不是一个那么坚强的人。。

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

脑海里好像有很多想法。。 但又好像空白一片。。
没有承诺, 也没有负担。。
没有甜蜜, 也没有苦涩。。

原来,结束一段感情, 就是那么一回事。。

关心我的人, 请不要问起,
爱护我的人, 也不要安慰我。。
此时此刻, 我的心是脆弱的,

我的感情世界, 是失败的。

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I am fine!!

19th August 2009, Wednesday

I am fine.

I have realized that, repeative failure can actually helps to immune one's feeling.

When I fail achieving my target for the first time, i curse.. for the 2nd time, i was upset with myself, 3rd, 4th, 5th times... eventually i will tell myself, it is ok, this is not the first time.. One day i will finally fix it up.

When i put on weight for the first 0.5kg, i will tell myself -- it is ok, it is just half kg, it is not significant, and the fats should be able to cut off easily. When the 2nd 0.5kg fats appear, i said : Lilie, you should seriously cut down your junk food intake!! When the 3rd, 4th 5th etc etc 0.5kg turns up quietly, i have no choice but saying : lilie oh lilie, you are fat, but those elderly says you look better! So, don worry about it!Be happy with the way you are! why bother how others think about you?? Live happily!!

Similarly, when one hurts me for the 1st time, i forgive; for the 2nd time, i was angry, but yet i forgive; for the 3rd time, i was mad, still i forgive... When it comes to the N times, i am immune to it. Well, this is not the first time, probbaly it wil be the last time, I told myself. However, when it comes to the NxN times, i decided to give up, like i gave up on other things. Hm.. It doesnt feel so hard that i thought.. opps, i almost forgotten, i was immune to it through out the process.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Malaysia (JB) Immigration Checkpoint

18th August 2009, Tuesday

Singapore Custom been experiencing system breakdown since yesterday. It was really bad. Yesterday evening my colleague, Chloe and I tried to squeeze into bus kilang to get back to JB.. However, instead of squeezing into the bus, we were pushed out by the crowd and I nearly fell down..

However, comparing to JB checkpoint.. I would say that JB checkpoint is experiencing system breakdown almost everyday!! or even more significantly during weekend and public holiday!!

Besides the "excellent design" of the checkpoint building and routing planning, which is horribly poor, most of the officers doesn't seems to respect their principle and/or work ethic!!

If you have a chance to experience, please take note of a A4 or A5 size paper stick at the side of each counter, where the officer place their big buttock. The 5 words shown in the paper : pandang (look), senyum (smile), ucap (greet), khidmat (service), terima kasih (thank). Seriously, i don know whether this message is to show the visitors, citizens, or the custom officers??

Sometimes i really doubt --- could the officers confirm that they are scanning the right passport, when they don even look at me at all??

Here is another joke... I normally take cab back from Bugis to JB after my Saturday duty (once a month).. because JB checkpoint suffer the most horrible massive conjested traffic (human and vehicles) during Saturday. One day, when i took the cab with other strangers, the officer told one of the man that his passport is black-listed. I believe when he says "black-listed", he meant that the man are not allowed to leave Malaysia with that passport (legally).. However, the man is actually on his way back to Malaysia!! You mean, he is black-listed and not suppose to come back to Malaysia? But his passport was scanned and stamped, by the immigration officer, to leave Malaysia!! So, what is what now? Confusing huh?

Well, no matter what, this is how Malaysia cuture works -- flexible... haha..

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Punishment to naughty pets!!

16th August 2009, Sunday

I have worked yesterday (Saturday duty), and got frustrated by the stupid jam in JB custom checkpoint.

I have never like the entire planning and design of JB immigration and checkpoint. Imagine you have to walk a big loop (like you walking one big round) of the giant size building (that's how government spend citizens' money???)

Finally, here come the rest day.. Sunny Sunday.. hehe.. stay at home and see how the naughty dog been punished!! hahha.. These are winky and teng teng.. the new comers in my auntie's house. Ever since they join the family, my uncle has to do extra work at every morning as they enjoy messing up the garden every night!! And the wierd thing is, they are able to do the mess up job so great, even they have been tied up!!

So, my uncle thought of a good idea today to give them a mask instead of tying them. Since he is expert in tying net for his glass float, he would like do similar thing for the dog - mouth - mask. hahha.. here is the output!!

Pic 1: Winky as first trial

Pic 2: Uncle feel pity for his beloved pet, teng teng

My dream bed!!

16th August 2009, Sunday

Happen to see this bed in Sunway Pyramid... This is my dream bed!!! Look soft and nice to sleep yeah??? Cost about RM12,000!!! Thought of saving money for this le.. hahha.. However, my handsome brother in law says :" sleep too in deep, until never wake up anymore..." ^^|||

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Request to Ai ling

Ai ling, can you help me to buy this bag??? i need 2!! if there is different colour, then you can choose this colour + another colour (any). if not, just buy 2 of the same colour.

Thank you very very very much.

p/s: this bag can be fold. muahahha.. so it will not occupy lots of space.. haha..

Sunday, August 9, 2009

my new look!

9th august 2009, sunday

Surprise! Like it? I love it!

Friday, August 7, 2009

New Look of My blog..

07th August 2009, Friday

Here is the new look of my blog. hahaha.. kinda happy with it.. suits me more.. after all, i am not those refined type of gal.. haha..

It's going to be a long weekend.. Sunday is the Singapore National Day & Monday is the Public Holiday.. Knowing that today will be the "long Q day" for checkpoint, I have actually ask for early release (time off) from my management, but it was not approved!!! argh...

Decided to take cab instead of bus. No intention to take risk. refuse to spoil my Friday mood like that. well, lucky me.. the traffic wasn't that bad for cars.. i manage to reach JB by 730pm.. ;)

Hm. thinking to cut my hair short. Tired taking care of long hair. It is too heavy and i have no extra energy to take care of it anymore... Frens.. comments??

Tuesday, August 4, 2009



谁说我不会? 简单简单啦!! 哈哈。。
此句取于孟子的 -- 告子下。。




也就是说, 人嘛, 如果要有所成就/作为/收获, 就必须先经历磨炼和承受挫折/失




Mental illness..

4th August 2009, Tuesday

I am sick. I am definitely sick.

Certainly is not H1N1, H2N2 .... .... (well, i hope it is not.. I mean, i have slight cough for few days.. Well, even though that media says 90% of people having flu are H1N1 carrier.. but doesn't mean that i have to be that 90%, right??)

Yup. i am depress. all the time!! my breakfast time, my lunch hour, my precious dinner time, and my "pu pu" moment.. I am not happy... sigh... Yupe, i have sigh a lot recently...

Correct, i am facing some problems-ss-ss in my relationship right now.. Got stuck here. Don know what to do.. Tried to seek for advice... Well.. obviously i don have many female friends that would like to give me a "wise" word in my blog (gals are born to be shy, they don announce, they whisper ;)).. My male friends shows me how i should accept and bow down to the fact that "men are all LIKE THAT ------ LIKE WHAT??? selfish and heartless???"..

Opps.. i should not say that.. at least, three of my very best male friend did put down notes to advice me, as i ask for. The answer is not what i want it to be, but i knew that they are just trying to give me the truthful words... so.. thanks to all of you, turtle, CKC & shy shy guy.

Back to topic. I am sick ever since my relationship has gone "ill".. Lesser happiness, more arguments; lesser laughter, more tears & loneliness.. Tried very hard to rescue the relationship.. but somehow, which i don not know How, it went "crooked"... CROOKED???hm... how ar??

thinking to give up already. cannot bear with the stress being unhappy most of the time. but... but.. how? it is always easier to say than to do.

Sigh again.. give me more time. the decision shall be out soon. good or bad, i need support from you all.

love all.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Quiz for guys...

2nd August 2009, Sunday

Certainly it has been awhile.. ok.. real long since my last update.. i have been busy ok.. well, i have tender my resignation already.. and hence, i am now busy doing up all my final submission and to hand over.. so.. now got more excuses huh?? hahha..

Btw, to all my male friends.. a little quiz for you all...

when your gf and/or spouse cries, what will you do:

a) kiss her and tell her that you love her. whatever it is, you will stand by with her and overcome all the hard time with her

b) tell her not to cry, be nice to her, comfort her.. because you know that you are the trouble maker

c) tell her you are sorry for making her cry. but you don mean to, and ask for forgiveness

d) show her the frustration look and ask her why is she crying

e) just keep quiet to avoid yourself getting into more trouble. and/or tells her that you need timeto think what is going on wrong, but you knew you will NEVER have time to think about it!!

If your answer is (a), (b) or (c). please call a man named AL and tell him that this is the way, THE FUcking RIGHT way to treat your loves one.

If your answer is (d) or (e), well.. pls do tell me if you are still in love with ur gf or this partner of yours.. if not, well, just stop being that bloody selfish and let her go find her happiness!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


18th July 2009, Saturday

我想, 隔了那么久, 好像我应该写多一些有的没的。。
才对得起大家。。 哈哈。。

话说,不久前, 在一个好朋友的部落上, 看到他所写的,我听见有人叫你宝贝,
突然想起这首歌。。 就上网去下载。。 就酱爱上了。。


你问我为什么 不再给你安慰
你问我为什么 把你的信退回
你问我为了什么 开始喝酒

你让他叫你 宝贝

每一次听这首歌, 我都会很难过。。
不是因为背叛, 而是因为一段感情的结束。。
有一首歌是酱子的。。爱都是, 开始得很美丽, 结束得没道理, 想想是很可惜,
也许应该多陪陪你, 应该体谅你彷徨的情绪。。。

有人问我,要结束一段维持很久的感情, 不会可惜吗? 可以说放下就放得下吗?
不是每一段感情的结束都是因为背叛。。 当两个人不再是有着共同的目标时, 那
段感情勉强地维持下去, 不是负担着两个人吗?
两个人在一起, 不是要幸福吗?
当爱情或感情变质了, 还有快乐吗?
爱情是美好的。 但现实是残酷的。。

Mum's birthday

18th July 2009, Saturday

I have been busy actually.. or lazy... whatever... hahaha...

It's Saturday and I am here in the office.. fulfilling the Saturday duty. Mood-less to work. So... here I am!! Updating my mildewed blog.. my poor blog... hahhaa..

I went back home last month (again, yes i am very much in behind time, i know...), for my mum's birthday.. We went to a seafood restaurant in PJ (requested by the Empress Dowager) as simple celebration.. Heavy and good dinner we had..

After the dinner, we went to Secret Recipe to get mummy a cake -- the chocolate banana cake.. reason of buying chocolate banana... because my 2nd brother in law loves banana.. haha.. and mum was actually happy seeing us bring back the cake... but of coz she pretend pretend la.. Her typical phrase : "aiyo... ask you all don buy, you still don listen!!!" hahhaha..

look at her in the pic below.. she is happy, isn't she??

pic 1: daddy and mummy

pic 2 : mummy and lilie

Pic 3 : Only "1" candle will do.. pls

Pic 4 : happy mummy

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It has been so long..

09th July 2009, Thursday

It has really been awhile since my very last update... hahahha..

I was tired most of the time, and no time la....

H1N1 been spreading fast in Singapore and JB (sound like Phua Chu Kang, best in singapore and JB!!) muahahha.. I travel JB-Singapore almost everyday, that makes me kinda worry that one day i will "kena" le.. haha.. recently got slight cough le.. kind of worry also.. haha

yesterday my mummy go to Hokaido, Japan.. after so many objection from her lovely children, she still wants to go.. today she is suppose to reach there. I called daddy to ask if she got call back. daddy says, yes, she ask other party to inform her safe departure == the OCBC bank. muahhaha.. dad says mum used the credit card in Japan and OCBC officer call up to confirm. sigh.. that's my mum..

sleepy and tired already. good night.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My God Daughter, Stephanie Soon

23rd June 2009, Tuesday

Attended my friend (ex-colleague) wedding last Saturday. Finally get the chance to meet my dearly god-daughter.. Little Stephanie.. Isn't she cute?? haha.. I am a bad "kai ma" la.. i have not seen her for almost a year already.. She also cannot recognize me le.. sob sob..

Pic 1: Blur blur Stephanie

Pic 2: First photo of me and Stephanie

My Sponsored Child - Jenjopbauriboon, Chalita

23rd June 2009, Tuesday

She is Jenjopbauriboon, Chalita. She is my sponsored child. Finally received her particulars from World Vision. So happy that i was given a gal... hhaha.. somehow fulfill my desire to have a daughter.. hahaha..

She is from Mae Sariang, Thailand, which is located at the northern region of Thailand, close to Myanmar border.

She is only 6 years old, and currently schooling in kindergarten... hope that my sponsorship can help her in her studies and living...

Monday, June 22, 2009

My favorite breakfast in Klang

22th June 2009, Monday

I went back home over the weekend for Fathers' Day celebration & my friends wedding.. Been enjoying the food in my dearly hometown.. For sure, i would not miss my favorite breakfast in Klang... the one that i have been dying for.. the Bak Kut Teh..

Must be the "桥下肉骨茶"!! Talking about it... i feel the hunger again..

Friday, June 19, 2009

long journey back home..

19th june 2009, friday

I gotto admit, I've been waiting for today.. Go home day... Ha ha ha.. How happy i am! This week gonna be a busy weekend for me again.. I gotto attend friend's wedding, going for gathering dinner with my group of chi muis.. And also celebrating father's day! Ha ha..

My mum, knew that i wont be having much time staying at home.. She had alreay store some durian for me in the refrigerator, so that i can eat whenever i have time.. Ha ha.. What a excellent mum i have.. Love u ma ma..

Now at this time, when i am in the long journey back home.. I actually thanx alvin a lot.. Because of his brilliant idea to get me subscribe the unlimited data plan, i would probably be bored-to-dead now.. Ha ha..

Cant wait to see my chi muis.. Some of the chi muis have now upgraded themselves to the auntie group or mama group d.. And in fact, the group is expanding fast.. Ha ha.. I am so happy for u all.. U r awesome gals!

I read my cousin, joanna's blog last night.. Found that she really got damn lots of thing to write.. Is it because of her long winded? Or she is really that bored in work? Ha ha.. No idea.. But.. Today, now, as i am so free now, with another 2.5 hours in the coach, i am going to write as long as i can.. Ha ha.. A challenge to myself! Ha ha..

Unfortunately, my hp just alarmed on the low battery! Shit. Mission fail. Gotto save my hp battery to call my sister later.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Loreal Warehouse Sales

18th June 2009, Thursday

With all the encouragement from my friends in facebook, asking me to "contribute" in the Loreal warehouse sales, Hence I have finally decided to "ffk" Alvin today and go to the sales!! Sorry dear.. haha..

Initially I thought of getting myself ONLY sunblock, eye cream & mascara... However, the sales offers extremely good deal.. After experiencing the mind & heart war, I left the place with eye cream, makeup remover, concealer & and lotion in my bag!! Hm.. I share share with Joanna for the concealer & lotion (which come in the pack of 2).. hahha.. spend so little for so many items.. syiok la..

dear alvin.. you really gotto thank loreal sales for cutting down my anger.. Otherwise, i think you will have to suffer for another few days.. bear with my nag, scream and #%$*((&^%&% (bad words).. haha...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Photos of me.. Stolen from facebook

16th june 2009, Tuesday

Today is the birthday of my young (but getting older) cousin.. Happy birthday, joanna! Welcome joining the old lady group.. Ha ha..

I am in my auntie's house now, got nothing to do.. So I log in to the facebook and 'play' with it la..

There i found some photos.. I would like to share..

The first one is the photo of my group of chi muis.. Gals.. We have been close friends since secondary school.. I love u gals.. Opps.. Someone MIA! LILIAN, WHERE R U? seems like lilian's role has been replaced by little manfred.. Ha ha.. The first prince in the group.. Ha ha..

Second photo. Me and the two handsome men.. My bf and my good friend since college.. Carlson wong.. Very nice man.. Many stories between me and him.. Ha ha.. He used to be the 'die for gal' person and we had few quarrels and misunderstanding for years.. He has recently came back from oversea.. Well.. Seems like both of us still appreciate the friendship and willing to forgive and forget the past.. Ha ha.. Very glad about it..

The last one.. Photo of me and my dearest darling.. Mr alvin lee.. With the appearance of this photo, i have finally noticed that we have not been taking photo together for quite some time.. Ha ha.. I love this photo. Thanks joanna for taking this for us, in uncle Patrick's birthday dinner..

Monday, June 15, 2009

count down to go home!

15th june 2009, monday

Hurray! I am going home this friday! So excited about it! I wanna eat bak kut teh, i wanna eat ma lak steamboat, i wanna eat fried fish, i wanna eat ...... Argh.. So many to eat, so little time.. Sob sob..

Alvin just inform me this noon that he is going to kl for dinner today. I ask him not to drive because he has the potential to knock down anything he see or not see on his journey.. Ha ha..

Gosh, today my boss is not in the office.. Goodness, i feel so good without him in the office.. Ha ha.. I am so stress whenever he steps into the office.. Even he don disturb me, most of the time i will be stressed by the invisible power.. Gosh, can i pray that he will not come in tomorrow as well? Ha ha..

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Nonsence Talk..

14th June 2009, Sunday

I swear, i have no intention to offend anyone by uploading this post..

This is my blog, I do have the right to write whatever i want, don't I??

Oh gosh.. why am I now in this situation? What am I doing everyday? Am I still surviving as a living person, with those feeling that "normal human being" suppose to have? Or am I just a breathing dead person? I had a choice, didn't I? Or have I made a wrong one already?

Getting more and more confuse in my life. God. I need a break. I definitely need one. I desperately need one... Hello, anyone.... someone... oh God.. now i wish u hear me.. Take this as my prayer, could you??

My goodness, here i start again.. no no no... i should not.. this is so not right for me.. gaining happiness is so simple.. Why am I thinking so much?? Feeling took place again?? Since when i have become such an emotional person? Gosh... Nightmare..


The above is just a way for me to release my unhappiness and stress.. My friends, I am doing good (approaching good) in life.. do not need to worry for me.. haha..

Happy Birthday to Uncle Patrick!!

14th June 2009, Sunday

Yesterday was Uncle Patrick 60th Birthday!! Happie Birthday to Uncle Patrick!!

It's definitely one of the biggest event of the year in de family.. Uncle Patrick's siblings (from Penang) have made effort to attend his birthday celebration too..

Feel warm and happy that i have the opportunity to join the celebration too.. my cousins - boy, kheng (far at saudi), & ann have planned for so long to celebrate their respective & beloved daddy's big day.. So sweet.. Beside the surprise birthday cake & the great reunion dinner, they have actually bought Uncle Patrick an awesome watch!!

So happy for Uncle Patrick.. Even he did not mention, but can see from his smiling face that he is extremely proud of the event organized... ;)

Pic 1: Happy family

Pic 2: Lovely Couple

Pic. 3: Great sibling

Pic 4 : Sweet Daughter

Thursday, June 11, 2009

i am not lazy!!

11th June 2009, Thursday

Seriously, I am not lazy.. I am just... been busy with work and traveling here and there.. "here and there" is JB and Sinagpore ya.. Don think that i have great life to have holiday here and there.. hahha..

now i curi-curi online and update a post.. during working hour.. hehe.. if my HR or my boss catch me, i think i will be fried sotong d... haha..

good.. my youngest sister is coming tomorrow.. hehe.. feel warm to have family member around. so excited and expectinf for her..

Congratulation to ah pui pui, who has just annouced herself joining the mama group.. feel so happy for her.. now we've got more and more members in the mama group.. hehe.. nee, when do u wanna join as well???

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ling's birthday..

3rd June 2009, Wednesday

Today is ling ji's birthday.. Happie birthday ling ji!! Just wanna you to know that is glad to have sister like you..

It has been so long that i have not update my blog.. haha.. many things happened.. yeah yeah.. nowaday i can seldom online le.. coz most of the time i left my lap top in the office.. so that i don have to carry here and there everyday.. and i do need it for works also..

I shall summarized what has happened last month... hm.. in short, i have move out from alvin's house.. currently staying in my auntie, Ber kor's house.. i personally think that this is a good move, as me and alvin seldom quarrel nowadays.. and we reallly appreciate the time being together..

Certainly some of you all will be curious why i move out and am i doing fine now.. haha... don worry, i am doing good.. just sometimes tired from work, and sometimes feel tired going to work.. but after all, it was that bad as i thought it would... in fact, i do think that this is a good way to train myself to be more indepandent.

Well.. i think it is time so zzz again.. haha.. i promise, i will keep my blog updated soonest possible.. good night..

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Beautiful Garden..

23rd May 2009, Saturday

I love Uncle Patrick's garden and just thought that may be i can share a little here.. 2 pics that show here is just very small corner of his awesome garden..

And the greatest thing is, every single plants / decorations in his garden is hard work effort.. Every single glass float that makes the unique of the garden are collected by him, from the sea side, and jungle...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sales! Sales! Sales!

20th May 2009, Wednesday

Wow!! This is awesome news to share!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thanks my dear Alvin..

10th May 2009, Sunday

Darling, this post is specially for you.. Thanks for celebrating my birthday yesterday. It is really a memorable one for me.

Thanks for the flower. I love it.

Thanks for the movie, thanks for the dinner, thanks for all the arrangement.. I really appreciate that you have done all these with me.. and also cost "little" loses to your wallet.. hehe.. I know you are not good in planning all these thing.. I know you have used up all your brain cell to pleased me.. dear, thanks a lot..

Dear, thanks for being with me.. Your passion and love are already the priceless gift to me.


祝, 全世界所有的妈妈, 母亲节快乐!!

这是我要写给我亲爱的妈咪, 送给她的母亲节的礼物。。

妈妈, 你一直是我心里最疼爱的人。你受教育不高, 可是你是很聪明的。 有时我
也为你感到可惜, 如果你的生长环境良好, 或许你的遭遇会比现在更好。。 但,
回头一想, 相比之下, 可能你会更满足于现况。。 不管如何, 你一定是我最爱

妈咪, 我感谢你, 为了我们这班子女, 做了无限的贡献。 有许多许多的牺牲,
我们看在眼里。 感激在心里。。 现在, 我慢慢成长了, 更惊叹于你所为我们所
做的一切, 认为那些牺牲其实已经是超出你的能力和极限了!! 但, 你真的经历
了, 也真的证实了, 你是可以为子女们, 完成很多很多超出你能力范围的事务。。

妈咪, 我很遗憾, 今年的母亲节, 我不能像其他的兄弟姐妹一样, 陪你一起度
过。。 但, 我希望你了解, 我爱你, 不仅在母亲节而已, 而是每一天。。 我
很庆幸, 我 是你的孩子。。 妈咪, 我爱你。。

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me..

9th May 2009, Saturday

This day has come, the day that i've been expecting the most throughout the year.. Thought that there will be surprise for me.. Well.. I went for drink with my dear and my friend last night. till about 9 plus.. then go back home and sleep..

Got message from my dear at the mid night, wished me happy birthday. This morning also received lots of texts / calls from my friends & relative me to wish me too.. Is glad to have friends and relatives around to support me, especially at this time being.. I am glad that i am blessed. What else shall i ask for? When i already have the most precious present in the world.. Thanks to everyone who stand by me..

Thanks to my auntie for cooking "mee sua" for me (even though i don like mee sua), it is indeed very touching for me..

Thanks to my parents and my youngest sis to sms & call me and sing birthday song for me.. Thousand thousand love to you all..

Thanks to my friend, Lynn who give birth to little Jude, today. I am glad to share the same happiness with you.. You are great, lynn.. Congratulation..

Thanks to my friend, AM, to tell me the great name of her baby.. I love the name, and i am proud of her..

Thanks to all my friend who make a effort to sms / call / msn me to wish me. I appreciate that.. really.. YN even call me with sleeping voice.. haha.. AL even not forget to text me from UK.. I love you gals...

Thanks to Alvin, for loving me, being patience with me, supporting me.. darling, i love you.. You are not that good in speech, but i know u love me.. and i love you so.. thanks for everything..

For those who have not wish me, it is ok.. I know you do care about me.. Probably you are just too busy /forgetful.. haha.. It is ok..

And not to forget, thanks to iris - for not laughing at me when see me fell like a clumsy elephant in the office yesterday.. hahha.. and thanks for giving me the help all the time..

Thanks everyone of you.. This year my birthday, I have received nothing expensive, but i've got the most precious & valueable present.. Thousand thanks to you all.. You all have make me a complete person..

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What is wrong with the World??

5th May 2009, Tuesday

Many things happened since last weekend.. Seems not related to me, but somehow involved me.. Too complicated and cant be describe in words..

Really have no idea what has happen to the world. Things are going on up side down; people acting unethically and immorality.. People whom tell lies speak louder than those who are clean.. People who should be in guilt, yet bully those innocent.. Worst, drag those really innocent people and quote them fault!!

Can someone stand up and say something? Must all sacrifice to meet one's intend?

Friday, May 1, 2009

damaged umbrella..

30th april 2009, thursday

This is what happened yesterday..
Venue: office..
Case: Fascia board broke and droped to the 'big umbrella' at the roof garden. Hence cause a giant hole.

Fortunately it did not happen on friday morning, as we normally have breakfast every fortnight at the roof garden.. Phiew..

Monday, April 27, 2009

weekend at singapore with relatives

27th april 2009, Monday

I have spent my weekend in singapore with my relatives from JB.

What do we do? Oh.. Tight Schedule we have.. Market(we went 3 markets in a morning!!!), lunch, shopping, buffet, marina barrage.
And the next day, we keep our empty stomach till brunch time.. and we had dim sum buffet at Mandarin Oriental Hotel!! Yummy.. after that, we went shopping at Robinson @ Orchard Road... I bought a blouse and pants from Mark and Spencer for only S$99!! haha..

my little cousin : Xiao Ping Ping

Ber kor & Isaac

Little Isaac

Joanna Olivia & Little Mei Mei

Marina Sand & SInagpore Flyer From Marina Barrage

Thursday, April 23, 2009

coffee bean idol!

23rd april 2009, wednesday

Went for orion training at raffle place.. Met this coffee bean idol on my way back from lunch.

This one day training has however, cause some 'unexpected circumstance' to the office. Ha ha..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

what a day..

21st April 2009, Tuesday

What a day... so many works to do.. So tire.....

See pic below... That's me... Serious... I am that tire....


Monday, April 20, 2009

S.O. = superintendance officer???

today is such a tire day. As usual, i have been rushing for work.. Normal wednesday meeting has been scheduled on tomorrow morning. Sxxx. Some 'ass hole' consultant, opps! is S.O. consultant trying to show how 'responsible' they are, backing up their 'ass', flying emails around to show that they are actually doing works. Hm.. Now i know how the name comes.. S.O... What a suitable description. Ha ha.. Well, i shall see.. What's going to happen on tomorrow meeting.. Till then, good night..

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I phone or Omnia HD

16th April 2009, Thursday

Let me snake a little.

Friends, i need your truthful advise.... I Phone or Omnia HD?

I phone - colorful, adorable, entertaining... but most application got to download from from website. Also some subject to $$$.

Omnia HD - not yet launch in the market. But FREE GPS is included. most application comes in the phone package is useful and practical. Most important, i am a samsung user. ;)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

today = bad bad day

15th April 2009, Wednesday

Today is definately not my day.

since when i have become so ignorable? My need, my feeling, even my words.. He just don care at all..

how can people just being so selfish? Pls spare a second of ur life thinking what u have done to hurt others, rather than showing that frustrating face, as if i am the one in guilt!
pls, I have wait for more than a hour!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


5th April 2009, Sunday

what a Sunday.. but i've got nothing to do.. I was browsing through my email, and saw this interesting pic. Though of sharing it with my friends..

Smile is good! Peace is wonderful!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


4th April 2009, Saturday

今天读到一位好朋友的部落格, 真的替他感到高兴, 也因他达到他的梦想而为他感到光荣。。 我想, 他真的很努力在实现他的梦想。

不久前,我收到另一位朋友的短信, 说他对目前的工作和生活感到不满。。 一味的做工, 承受着压力, 和忙碌的生活。 也不懂得到底是为了什么。。我告诉他说,那是因为, 他没有在他的工作和生活中找到一个平衡。

很久以前, 我曾经也有过梦想, 对未来充满了希望和抱负。。。 非常老套的一句话, 现实是残酷的。。 现在回想起来, 我几乎也忘了当年的小小 (却自认伟大) 的梦想。。

不久以前, 我也经历了第二位朋友的所谓的低潮。。 当时的我, 沮丧地认为,我在人生的路程, 做了一个最差的选择,甚至足以促成我人生的失败。。幸运之神依然眷恋着我,在好友的支持下, 配合了我不服输的性格,我终于一步一步地走出了低潮。 也在那时领悟了很多, 以前我认为不重要的,人,事,物。。

现在的我 -- 不单纯, 不容易满足, 甚至有时也不开心。。 我也只能说, 我是正在努力地要达成我的梦想。。

我的梦想是什么? 很简单, 也很难。。 我想, 爱我爱的人, 我爱的人爱我。。 我想, 爱我不爱的人, 让他们拥有爱。。 我想, 不爱我的人爱我, 让我拥有更多爱。。 我想, 我真的想, 开心地, 平淡地, 满足地, 过每一天。。 我其实更想, 放下手中的一切, 放下心中的负担, 去读书吧!

哈哈, 想不到吧,我的小时候的梦想。。 其实, 是有一个让我一直耿耿于怀的。。。 我真的想读书啦!!! 机会是自己给的, 只是一直没有对的时机。。 真的无奈, 但又可以如何?

没关系, 我还有一个梦想。。 对啦。。 又没有人规定说, 一个人只可以有一个梦想啦。。 我希望, 我将来可以经营一间, 属于自己的面包店。。 嘻嘻。。 就好还有一个咖啡角落哦。。 那我真的真的可以很满足了。。

我相信, 我的梦想会实现的。。 一定会的。。

Monday, March 30, 2009

My spec is not Ah Pek's spec!!

30th March 2009, Monday

Today is certainly not a good day... Back to work, seems like so many outstanding issues to be settled. Contractor sent in nasty email says that we are not responding to their queries.. Sigh..

I've got to choice but to get the "short cut" way.. hehe.. discussion with boss to get solution.. My eyes are so tire, hence i took away my specs and leave it on his table. Suddenly he took my specs away.........

I was like.. keep saying "that's mine, that's mine... er... that's mine" until he finally realized that i was talking about that specs. Well... I know my specs are gorgeous, but he don have to take it away ma..

He thought that the specs are his (liar!! his on just right on the table!!!)... hm.. and asking me why do i wear "ah pek" spec. hm.... My spec is Seiko de le... I like my spec de le.. i think my spec are gorgeous de le... Why say my spec like that le...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour Day

28th March 2009, Saturday

Today is the Earth Hour Day.. I am surprise that mum is aware of this day. She has been reminding us to switch off the electricity at 8.30pm. for one hour..

Is a tire day.. and i have totally about this.. mum came back from dinner just on time to switch off the electricity.. We have got nothing to do, hence we walk out from the house, to neighbor house for chit chat..

Daddy has been not feeling well since came back from China, relatives suspect that he is suffering from depression. He gets nervous very easily, and feel insecure most of the time.. sigh.. why now my dad pulak suffer from depression?? Very worry about my dearest daddy.. However, i believe he is strong in mentality to overcome this transition period..

Daddy, be strong ya.. i will be there for you anytime..

Funny Conversation..

28th March 2009, Saturday

After visited grandfather's grave, my brother took me and my little cousin back home.. 3 of us in the car, here start the conversation...

Bob : Theng, what r u going to do later?
Theng : Oh.. I am going to watch TV, then i am going to do up my project..
Bob : What project?
Theng : Science project, about micro-organism.
Bob : What is micro-organism?
Theng : Micro-organism is... bacteria, virus la...
Bob : So, how do we clear the bacteria?
Theng : Er.. i don know... i think should be like what shown in the TV, use dettol lo..

Bob and I are laughing for that statement.. Then... out of sudden, we heard ah theng continue his project conclusion.... "If the virus is in our body, then drink yakult lo..."

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