Saturday, February 20, 2010


astro 有一套剧集--娘家。。

剧情好像是描述一个女人出嫁了, 在外家过得不如意, 幸得有娘家依靠。。

娘家, 娘家。。 不过就是一个女人在还未出嫁时的家。 那里有自己的父母, 兄弟姐妹, 自己最亲近的人。。

讽刺的是, 愚昧的人类啊。。 善忘的人们。。 忘了根, 忘了身上流着一样血的人。。 亲人。。

悲哀啊。。 人生观, 究竟什麽就重要?


我想, 我永远不会忘记那些回忆吧。。

接受和放下, 毕竟是不一样的。。

Saturday, February 13, 2010


13, 二月 2010

今天是除夕夜, 也是情人节前夕。。

终于有长假了。。 我回家了。。 回家的感觉真好。。

男朋友与他的家人们去了上海, 所以我的情人节是一个人过的。。

不过, 和我的家人们一起过年们也一起, 是我每一年的期待。。 所以, 我也是超开心的!!

中午的团圆饭, 姐姐和姐夫们也一起回家吃团圆饭。

妈妈和莉云煮了一大锅的盆菜。。 不过, 以我们家人的食量, 依然没办法搞定那锅盆菜。。


幸福的感觉, 回家真好。。

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I love you.

09 Feb 2010, Tuesday

Darling, i love you.

Thanks for being so kind to me.

You are such a loving & patience person.

I knew you love me, but never expect that it will be so muchie......

i love the cartier ring. it was gorgeous...

u knew what exactly i want. you such an adorable babe.

no one know me better than you. you are the best.

it was just what i dream of. my babe, is still after all the same man...

quiet, shy, slumber... cartier??? haha. probably i wil get a cartier paper bag (which i don think i will get as well......) haha.

but anyway, darling i stil love you so. you are a real kind man.

Monday, February 8, 2010

i love it!

8th Feb 2010, Monday

Goodness, I am so impress by myself for doing up this new layout for my little blog...

I am simply the genius.. haha..

so sleepy....


8 二月2010, 星期一


昨晚很早就睡了。。 想说,今天得早起上班。。



Sunday, February 7, 2010

Under Construction..

07 Feb 2010, Sunday.

My Blog is under construction... please bear with me. i am the idiot in all these. u know me laaa... haha...

i try to put in the chat box first. but... i need to sleep for now. haha.

love you all. see u soon. except my dearly ann.. thanks for your help. lop ya.