Sunday, August 2, 2009

Quiz for guys...

2nd August 2009, Sunday

Certainly it has been awhile.. ok.. real long since my last update.. i have been busy ok.. well, i have tender my resignation already.. and hence, i am now busy doing up all my final submission and to hand over.. so.. now got more excuses huh?? hahha..

Btw, to all my male friends.. a little quiz for you all...

when your gf and/or spouse cries, what will you do:

a) kiss her and tell her that you love her. whatever it is, you will stand by with her and overcome all the hard time with her

b) tell her not to cry, be nice to her, comfort her.. because you know that you are the trouble maker

c) tell her you are sorry for making her cry. but you don mean to, and ask for forgiveness

d) show her the frustration look and ask her why is she crying

e) just keep quiet to avoid yourself getting into more trouble. and/or tells her that you need timeto think what is going on wrong, but you knew you will NEVER have time to think about it!!

If your answer is (a), (b) or (c). please call a man named AL and tell him that this is the way, THE FUcking RIGHT way to treat your loves one.

If your answer is (d) or (e), well.. pls do tell me if you are still in love with ur gf or this partner of yours.. if not, well, just stop being that bloody selfish and let her go find her happiness!!

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