Thursday, December 3, 2015

Hope for Diabetes Patients!

More than 20% of population diabetic by 2020?
According to the National Diabetes Registry Report Vol. 1 2009-2012 published by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, the prevalence of diabetes among adults in Malaysia is expected to rise to 21.6% by 2020. This is just over one fifth of the population who will be afflicted. Many people assume that if they are diagnosed with Diabetes, that they can just go on medication and keep it under control. However, there are issues that many are not aware of. Diabetes means that your body no longer heals itself at the same rate a normal person does. A simple wound that a normal person would brush off will heal much slower for a diabetic and is more prone to infection or worsening. This makes any minor injury an issue, and makes any form of surgery an issue for those affected. Add to this a lifetime of taking medication, and in many cases, increasing dosage over the years, and it is not something that many would welcome as a permanent part of their life. And lets not even talk about the possibility of amputation.

It is possible to protect yourself against this disease and even to fight it with Super Lutein and Izumio. A number of diabetics who consume the products have already reported good results, with some going off medication completely. But why just take our word for it, when there are independent studies that prove the beneficial effects of lutein, carotenoids and hydrogen on diabetes. The links below will show you that. And as a bonus it also helps to regulate cholesterol.
Satisfy yourself that this is real by reading the links or sending in your queries to us. Then get in touch and let us move forward together in good health. Have a great weekend everyone.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Benefits of molecular hydrogen


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Cheeky Isabelle

She think she is cool, u think so?

What Can Super Lutein Do To Your Health?

Give More Energy – you become more productive to your works, and hence got more time to do anything you wish to do to improve your quality life

Improve Skin / Hair / Nails / Face – Severe acne vanished, Eczema improved by leaps and bounds, hair and nails stronger and much healthier

Kidneys – Patient who’ve just started dialysis have been able to reverse the process

Eyes – Improve visibility with consistent consumption of the product, i,.e. the blind can see again but you need a few years of consumption depending on severity
Brain – Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s patients have improved, similarly with autistic children and the DHA helps kids brains develop too. The products are also very powerful with stroke patients especially if taken immediately, though certainly helps even if not taken immediately
Blood – a very powerful product for Leukaemia patients and any other diseases that require blood cleansing
Breasts – prevent and improve breast cancer, with countless testimonies proven
Lungs / Chest – clears lungs of embedded sputum, asthma improved, allergies eliminated
Liver – keeps liver cancer at bay
Heart – Heals heart cells
Nerves – has an analgesic effect on pain
Digestive Track including Colon – the products have help in healing of all sorts of cancer when consumed appropriately and correctly
Women Hormones / Uterus / Menopause – balances out women hormones to make everything work as they should
First Aid for EVERY Home – Apply them on cuts and burns, removes itch immediately, helps to heal wounds quickly, wash eyes with Izumio if eyes are infected

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Super Lutein

Super Lutein Vegetable Liquid Capsules

Super Lutein is essentially the extract of vegetable essence encapsulated in a sealed soft gel capsule completely safe for babies.

It has more than 11 ingredients from top quality Lutein (best in the world) to other carotenoids from tons of fruit and vegetables that one could never eat in a day.

The capsules can be swallowed or chewed and taste like a mixture of fish oil and dark leafy green vegetables.

If the tip of the soft gel cap is snipped off with a scissors, the high potency liquid (vegetable essence) within appears black at first sight but if spread on a white tissue or napkin, will exhibit the colours of the rainbow, essentially the colourful vegetables that we all need in our daily diet. But how many of us are diligent enough to eat all colours of the rainbow and how much can we really eat?

3 Super Lutein capsules offers 4 servings of fruits, 5 servings of vegetables of 6 colours of all the vegetable nutrients that we essentially need in our bodies for our best health. Cancer patients at Stage 4 take 25 Super Lutein capsules per day.

Izumio Hydrogen Water

What is Izumio Hydrogen Water??

A packet of 200 ml of Izumio hydrogen water has highly concentrated hydrogen water at 2.6 mg/l or 2.6 ppm. Hydrogen is the smallest atom in the world that can penetrate into one's body cells at a mitochondrial level and has strong anti-oxidant properties, eliminating free radicals within one's body at enormous rates.

How does Hydrogen Works Within the Body
  • Hydrogen is the smallest atom in the chemical chart making it perfect for accessing the deepest parts of our body (mitochondrial cells) where other atom cannot reach. Every chromosome, amino acid and protein block in our bodies need Hydrogen to build good quality cells and organ function.
  • We get hydrogen from the air, water and food (macronutrients such as Proteins, Carbohydrates & Fats). As our body needs Hydrogen in ion form, water is the best source of it. 
  • Izumio water is the mineral-rich drinking water with high concentration of dissolved Hydrogen. It is neutral (PH 7) and hence can be absorbed easily without any load to the body. 
  • Izumio has the HIGHEST Hydrogen levels in the world compared to any other Hydrogen product and the Miracle water from Lourdes, France, etc. It is proven that Hydrogen rich water is essential to building good, healthy cells and is also capable of balancing the pH within the body.
  • Hydrogen is difficult to preserve within the body but without it, cells get weak and deteriorate, subsequently lead to high acidity in body system. Hydrogen has PH balancing effect to maintain the PH equilibrium of the body whilst flushing out acidic toxins through sweat and urine. In short, normal drinking water has been helping us do this all our lives but Izumio is much, much stronger.
  • Open Wounds - open wounds are acidic. When Hydrogen is applied onto them, it reverses the acidity slightly causing pain to lessen. It does not cure the wound, but regenerates new cells to a point of equilibrium.
  • Besides building body cell, Hydrogen also helps increasing bone density. Back Pain and other Organs Pain would be improved - same concept where Hydrogen helps because our bone mass, body organs, muscles, they all need Hydrogen.  
  • Our body skin is made out of millions of cells. But, what ratio of cells do we have? Good healthy cells or free radicals? Good cells produce smooth, supple skin. It all comes back to the theory of cellular structures with the needs of hydrogen in our body system.
  • Cancer is the result of too many free radicals in the body. Cells that have lost their electrons and gone around stealing goodness from other cells, and hence causing havoc and imbalance within the body, a war of cells within. Hydrogen will strengthen the good army team (good quality cell)  and fight the battle. With sufficient Hydrogen, killing of cancer cells is possible.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Life of a happy mom

My children enjoy their cycling time or play time everyday. Really glad that hub has got a big garden for the children to play.. Appreciate everything I have now..

Monday, May 4, 2015

My forever love, Benjamin lee

My love and forever sweet heart, really, how fortunate to have him in my life..

My super cheeky son, Charles

He is cheeky, he is intelligent;
He is naughty, he is kind;
He is selfish (he doesn't share his toy), but he is soft hearted (he will provide alternative to siblings to ensure everyone has a toy);
He would cry for little tiny matter, but he smile like a shinny sun;
He make me crazy, and he make he laugh;
He is really the one that change me.. 
I learn to me patience, I learn to listen, I learn to think /feel at others position, I learn to love unconditionally..
There are still very much to learn to tackle with this small young man..
I believe he will be a special person one day.. He is more than what others says about him now..
My little young man, Charles lee, mummy will love u to the moon and back to the earth..

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Children, please don't grow up so fast...

Today before bed, Benji accidentally spill water on to the mattress.. I got no choice but to ask them sleep at their own room ( they have been sleeping with us).. I moved out the two mattress to air dry, and settled them in their bedroom.. When I walk back to my bedroom.... Oh gosh my bedroom is so empty.. Immediately there is a thought into my mind.. I don want them to grow up so fast, I don want them to sleep in their own room.. I am afraid.. I am not ready! I want them with me, despite of their noise (+ my scream) every night without fail.. 

Oh my children, please stay the way u are now.. Don't grow up so fast.. I want to spend more time with u all.. Please allow me to have more time to love u all, pamper u all... 

Children, do remember this moment, when u still enjoy hearing me say I love u, and u are not shy to express ur love to ur mum.. I love u all, forever..

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Charles's best friend - qiao en

Charles has got a new best friend this year back to klang for cny, besides yi en & yi xing.. The pretty gal is qiao en, his little cousins, who is few months younger than him.. 

She has been hugging Charles and holding him all the time and Charles did not reject.. The playboy gene is in him.. Hahaha..

Wednesday, February 25, 2015