Saturday, July 18, 2009


18th July 2009, Saturday

我想, 隔了那么久, 好像我应该写多一些有的没的。。
才对得起大家。。 哈哈。。

话说,不久前, 在一个好朋友的部落上, 看到他所写的,我听见有人叫你宝贝,
突然想起这首歌。。 就上网去下载。。 就酱爱上了。。


你问我为什么 不再给你安慰
你问我为什么 把你的信退回
你问我为了什么 开始喝酒

你让他叫你 宝贝

每一次听这首歌, 我都会很难过。。
不是因为背叛, 而是因为一段感情的结束。。
有一首歌是酱子的。。爱都是, 开始得很美丽, 结束得没道理, 想想是很可惜,
也许应该多陪陪你, 应该体谅你彷徨的情绪。。。

有人问我,要结束一段维持很久的感情, 不会可惜吗? 可以说放下就放得下吗?
不是每一段感情的结束都是因为背叛。。 当两个人不再是有着共同的目标时, 那
段感情勉强地维持下去, 不是负担着两个人吗?
两个人在一起, 不是要幸福吗?
当爱情或感情变质了, 还有快乐吗?
爱情是美好的。 但现实是残酷的。。

Mum's birthday

18th July 2009, Saturday

I have been busy actually.. or lazy... whatever... hahaha...

It's Saturday and I am here in the office.. fulfilling the Saturday duty. Mood-less to work. So... here I am!! Updating my mildewed blog.. my poor blog... hahhaa..

I went back home last month (again, yes i am very much in behind time, i know...), for my mum's birthday.. We went to a seafood restaurant in PJ (requested by the Empress Dowager) as simple celebration.. Heavy and good dinner we had..

After the dinner, we went to Secret Recipe to get mummy a cake -- the chocolate banana cake.. reason of buying chocolate banana... because my 2nd brother in law loves banana.. haha.. and mum was actually happy seeing us bring back the cake... but of coz she pretend pretend la.. Her typical phrase : "aiyo... ask you all don buy, you still don listen!!!" hahhaha..

look at her in the pic below.. she is happy, isn't she??

pic 1: daddy and mummy

pic 2 : mummy and lilie

Pic 3 : Only "1" candle will do.. pls

Pic 4 : happy mummy

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It has been so long..

09th July 2009, Thursday

It has really been awhile since my very last update... hahahha..

I was tired most of the time, and no time la....

H1N1 been spreading fast in Singapore and JB (sound like Phua Chu Kang, best in singapore and JB!!) muahahha.. I travel JB-Singapore almost everyday, that makes me kinda worry that one day i will "kena" le.. haha.. recently got slight cough le.. kind of worry also.. haha

yesterday my mummy go to Hokaido, Japan.. after so many objection from her lovely children, she still wants to go.. today she is suppose to reach there. I called daddy to ask if she got call back. daddy says, yes, she ask other party to inform her safe departure == the OCBC bank. muahhaha.. dad says mum used the credit card in Japan and OCBC officer call up to confirm. sigh.. that's my mum..

sleepy and tired already. good night.