Sunday, January 11, 2009

Return of Mummy Cat!!

10th January 2009, Saturday

We had the Spring Cleaning in office today. It was a tire day, spring cleaning + so many days of not enough sleep..

Alvin attended a wedding dinner and i thought i can update my blog and rest early.. Uncle slept kinda early, auntie watching TV at living room and me blogging in the bedroom. everything seems peaceful and fine.. until late night.. Auntie screamed like 2 days ago!!! the mummy cat is return!!! back into the house!!

My goodness, I dare not to step out from the room at all, keep thinking -- is she coming to take revenge? or is she coming back to get the kitty?? Hasn't she brought away the kitty from backlane (the kitty is gone)??

The cat ran to upstairs and tried to get into the room, the only room with door opened was David's room. So auntie was quite sure that the cat is inside there.. but she couldn't find her. When she almost give up and rather to go back to bed, she suddenly think of David's goft set.. And the cat was really there!!! Another chase and run..

Uncle got no choice but to wake up again to do the men's work.. haha.. Finally... Settled the case. but we were kinda worry that the cat will come back again.. As she might think that her babies are still inside the house.. But we were also curious, who will took away the kitty if it was not the mummy who came and bring them back??

Sign.. Another night......

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