Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Babe sick..

3rd February 2009, Tuesday

Alvin has been sick since Sunday. Refuse to see doctor thou.. However, yesterday he was really not well until he agreed to seek for doctor's help.

When we reached JB, it was about 815pm. I suggested him to go to the clinic to get the queue number first, said from experience. WIth doubt, he agree to do so.. So he was told that there are 7 people in front of him in the queue. Then we went back for dinner.

We went back to the clinic at 9pm.. well, still 4 people in front. Finally his turn.. The doctor.. Hm.. acting a bit wierd.. For what i see.. Hm.. standing too near to my babe when he is checking his heart beat, using the stethoscope.. I mean, the equipment is so long, but he is standing just as close as possible.. like body touching to my dear bf.. hm.. wierd... then he annouced bad news -- alvin has bad sore infection. that he has to have injection for 3 continuous days.

The first injection.. Hm... IT TOOK SO LONG!!! until i was wondering what is the doctor doing and i turn over to take a look. My goodness!!! the doctor is looking at my poor bf's backside (short form - ass) fo so long!! keep looking.. keep looking.. his face is just like touching his ass!!! huh!! what is this hack? is just an injection!!! wierd doctor...

After the "consulation", i cant control myself but keep asking alvin, whther the doctor is norm or he has special preference. haha..

p/s: when i share the story with my friend today, my friend actually ask me a question which makes me more curious... "what does it to do with chest when alvin has sore throat??".. so... darling, re you sure u wanna go back to that clinic today??

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