坚持, 是因为我一直相信,
风雨过后, 就会看得见彩虹。。
坚持, 是因为我一直相信,
只要有爱, 就会有希望。。
只是, 一路走来,
原有的坚持, 也因各种因素, 也已慢慢减少了。。
温柔, 让我心醉;
欺骗, 让我心碎。。
残忍的后果, 真的会快乐吗?
爱, 真的需要勇气。。
All things can be done with determination and hard works.. All dreams can become realistic with believes and actions.. We believe, we act; change the thing, change the world...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
快乐, 幸福
应是要快乐的, 但为什么心中却隐隐作痛呢?
应是要幸福的, 但为什么脸上的笑容却呈现不出来?
到底, 是在追求些什么呢?
究竟, 还有什么值得去坚持呢?
路, 走到了这里,
心中原有满满的信心, 也早已消失无踪。。
犹豫, 害怕, 担忧。。
既来之, 则安之。。
心底深处, 真的急促的想找回那个熟悉的,
快乐的, 坚强的 那个人。。
应是要幸福的, 但为什么脸上的笑容却呈现不出来?
到底, 是在追求些什么呢?
究竟, 还有什么值得去坚持呢?
路, 走到了这里,
心中原有满满的信心, 也早已消失无踪。。
犹豫, 害怕, 担忧。。
既来之, 则安之。。
心底深处, 真的急促的想找回那个熟悉的,
快乐的, 坚强的 那个人。。
Thursday, November 27, 2008
在对的时候, 遇见错的人 - 错爱
在错的时候, 遇见对的人 - 错过
在错的时间, 遇见错的人 - 枉然
只有在对的时间, 遇见了对的人 - 那才是真正的爱情吧?
人类的想法 - - 世上的人, 事, 物 , 都得双双对对才叫圆满。。
人嘛, 到了适当的年龄, 当然也得找个伴,相偎相依的过着以后的日子。。
可是, 到底要怎样才知道, 我是在对的时间遇见了那个对的人呢?
好像, 很难下结论呢。。
我一直以为, 爱情会是可以细水长流的。
但, 那一定是要靠两个人的努力,
把两颗心, 紧紧的拢靠在一起,
把两个完全不同的观念与思想, 不断的互相了解和接受,
把两个人, 变成 “一个”。
但, 我依然发现,
原来, 在爱情字典里, 努力是不带任何意义的。。。
因为, 一个人的努力, 是一厢情愿, 也是对方的困扰。。
爱情, 让人甜蜜, 也让人心碎。。
感觉上, 好像越来越堕落了。。
事实上, 爱与恨, 真的只有一念之差。。
在对的时候, 遇见错的人 - 错爱
在错的时候, 遇见对的人 - 错过
在错的时间, 遇见错的人 - 枉然
只有在对的时间, 遇见了对的人 - 那才是真正的爱情吧?
人类的想法 - - 世上的人, 事, 物 , 都得双双对对才叫圆满。。
人嘛, 到了适当的年龄, 当然也得找个伴,相偎相依的过着以后的日子。。
可是, 到底要怎样才知道, 我是在对的时间遇见了那个对的人呢?
好像, 很难下结论呢。。
我一直以为, 爱情会是可以细水长流的。
但, 那一定是要靠两个人的努力,
把两颗心, 紧紧的拢靠在一起,
把两个完全不同的观念与思想, 不断的互相了解和接受,
把两个人, 变成 “一个”。
但, 我依然发现,
原来, 在爱情字典里, 努力是不带任何意义的。。。
因为, 一个人的努力, 是一厢情愿, 也是对方的困扰。。
爱情, 让人甜蜜, 也让人心碎。。
感觉上, 好像越来越堕落了。。
事实上, 爱与恨, 真的只有一念之差。。
Monday, November 24, 2008
My best friend..
I always say, you are my good friend.. But in fact, you are not only my close friend, you are..
a mentor; a teacher; a listener; and an adviser...
You taught me lots of things.. in work, in reality & in life.. you shows me that all things are possible with hard works.. really lots of hard works.. Living with great burden, you seldom complain.. You do what you can, to give the best to person you loves... But, the burden has stressed you so much that you can't even take MC when you are not feeling well.
And now, you are sick in hospital ~Sigh~ Kinda upset that I cant do anything for you (not even pay a visit), what i can do is just to pray for your recovery.. I pray that He will put His healing hand upon you, give mercy to you, let you have peace and rest well.. and most important, He bless you with love, with care..
My friend, be strong, be tough.. You will recover soon..
a mentor; a teacher; a listener; and an adviser...
You taught me lots of things.. in work, in reality & in life.. you shows me that all things are possible with hard works.. really lots of hard works.. Living with great burden, you seldom complain.. You do what you can, to give the best to person you loves... But, the burden has stressed you so much that you can't even take MC when you are not feeling well.
And now, you are sick in hospital ~Sigh~ Kinda upset that I cant do anything for you (not even pay a visit), what i can do is just to pray for your recovery.. I pray that He will put His healing hand upon you, give mercy to you, let you have peace and rest well.. and most important, He bless you with love, with care..
My friend, be strong, be tough.. You will recover soon..
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Fly with Fireflyz....
Coach ticket is totally out of sales, so i choose to fly back on Saturday morning with Fireflyz (stop at subang ma.. near to my house..). While I enter into the plane, i met this old man, sitting beside me, quietly reading his newspaper, no chatting with me (normally old people will chat with me a little), and then sleeping throughout the the journey.. And i was really curious why this old man reads so many sets of newspaper (2 sets Chinese, 1 English and few magazines).. but i just ignore him and continue putting on my nail polish.. haha..
when i depart subang, and met my friend, i ask her, is that old man someone famous or what, because he really seems familiar.. and my friend told me that he is a politician, Mr. Lim XX Siong. haha.. My goodness!! I am blind or what?? He is such a famous person in Malaysia and i just thought that he is a normal hardworking old man... hahahha... so embarrassing la...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Recession = New Business Opportunity??
My mum called me during my working hour today. I was wondering what major thing happen at home that she has to call so urgent.. Who knows she was just worrying about the economy condition in Singapore as news today announced that Citibank has retrench 50,000 employees.. After chatting for awhile, we were kidding that we shall start our little business -- selling fried yam cake (her most famous snack) if i got retrenched.. haha..
This recession is the 1st recession that i am going through since my graduation.. even though it has not affect me that much so far (touch wood), but i can really feel the impact to the market.. it come too fast and the impact is significant.. however, it may not be a bad thing to those people living (or working) in Singapore as their life have been so tense for years... this is the time that they can slow down they life style, catch up with the neighborhood, take up hobbies, etc...
Pray hard.. that.. recession is not that bad as i thought.. and... mum, i am most willing to sell yam cake with you... haha..
My mum called me during my working hour today. I was wondering what major thing happen at home that she has to call so urgent.. Who knows she was just worrying about the economy condition in Singapore as news today announced that Citibank has retrench 50,000 employees.. After chatting for awhile, we were kidding that we shall start our little business -- selling fried yam cake (her most famous snack) if i got retrenched.. haha..
This recession is the 1st recession that i am going through since my graduation.. even though it has not affect me that much so far (touch wood), but i can really feel the impact to the market.. it come too fast and the impact is significant.. however, it may not be a bad thing to those people living (or working) in Singapore as their life have been so tense for years... this is the time that they can slow down they life style, catch up with the neighborhood, take up hobbies, etc...
Pray hard.. that.. recession is not that bad as i thought.. and... mum, i am most willing to sell yam cake with you... haha..
赌博 -- 很多人的嗜好
我本身其实很不了解, 那些嗜赌的人,到底对赌博有些什么期待呢?
人们想借由赌, 来证明自己的眼光和分析能力比其他人独到吗?
或者, 纯粹只是享受赢的那一刻快感?
那些爱好赌博的人,难道都没有分析过, 赌博的代价吗?
当然, 有人会告诉我, “有赌未为输” 或 “留得青山在,不怕没柴烧”,
(古人留下的名言, 原来有此用意),
但, 为什么, 他们都不会想到 “十赌九输”呢?
算你昨天赢了5千, 今天又赢5千, 难道可以担保明天, 后天, 都不会输钱吗?
输的何止只是金钱而已, 还有时间, 还有其他人对他们的信任和信心, 当然,还
只是, 在这社会里, 有许多许多被赌博(赌瘾? 毒瘾?)所蒙着眼睛的人。。
都不在乎自己所应该做, 但却被搁下的正经事。。
真的无奈, 也为沉迷赌博的人感到悲哀。。
我本身其实很不了解, 那些嗜赌的人,到底对赌博有些什么期待呢?
人们想借由赌, 来证明自己的眼光和分析能力比其他人独到吗?
或者, 纯粹只是享受赢的那一刻快感?
那些爱好赌博的人,难道都没有分析过, 赌博的代价吗?
当然, 有人会告诉我, “有赌未为输” 或 “留得青山在,不怕没柴烧”,
(古人留下的名言, 原来有此用意),
但, 为什么, 他们都不会想到 “十赌九输”呢?
算你昨天赢了5千, 今天又赢5千, 难道可以担保明天, 后天, 都不会输钱吗?
输的何止只是金钱而已, 还有时间, 还有其他人对他们的信任和信心, 当然,还
只是, 在这社会里, 有许多许多被赌博(赌瘾? 毒瘾?)所蒙着眼睛的人。。
都不在乎自己所应该做, 但却被搁下的正经事。。
真的无奈, 也为沉迷赌博的人感到悲哀。。
Monday, November 17, 2008
今早收到朋友的来电说, 一位长辈逝世了。。 说是长辈, 但其实也还年轻。。
心想, 人生其实真的很脆弱, 人在离开这花花世界的那一刹那, 是不是真的可以
人生到底有什么事情应该执着? 又有什么事情其实可以闭一只眼,把胸怀放宽,让
简单的来比喻 -- 如果我的人生将在明天结束, 我想, 我真的是无法做到无牵无
挂的。。我的家人,爱人,朋友,事业。。。。 我怎么能放手呢? 我想, 除非心
中无爱, 要不然, 怎能做到呢?
如果一个人, 对所有的人,事,物, 都没有感情, 没有执着 -- 那,他/她的人
人生, 充满了爱与恨, 果断与矛盾。。
今早收到朋友的来电说, 一位长辈逝世了。。 说是长辈, 但其实也还年轻。。
心想, 人生其实真的很脆弱, 人在离开这花花世界的那一刹那, 是不是真的可以
人生到底有什么事情应该执着? 又有什么事情其实可以闭一只眼,把胸怀放宽,让
简单的来比喻 -- 如果我的人生将在明天结束, 我想, 我真的是无法做到无牵无
挂的。。我的家人,爱人,朋友,事业。。。。 我怎么能放手呢? 我想, 除非心
中无爱, 要不然, 怎能做到呢?
如果一个人, 对所有的人,事,物, 都没有感情, 没有执着 -- 那,他/她的人
人生, 充满了爱与恨, 果断与矛盾。。
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I finally made it!!!


To those who think i cannot make it... haha... Look at this!!! This is my blog!! Hm.. I am so proud of myself.. :)
Well, i really have no idea what to share in my very first posting.. hm.. yesterday i went to the Crocs sales in Expo, SIngapore.. My goodness, I was really shocked by the crowd.. The queue was so long that another hall was opened just for the queue!! I have been queuing for about 1.5 hours to get into the hall (particularly for crocs), half an hour shopping and 2 hours to pay for the bill!!! I tell myself i will not do this again!! Ever!! But it was really a good bargain.. I have got 7 pairs of shoes & sandals for only S$160. Yeah yeah......
Well, i really have no idea what to share in my very first posting.. hm.. yesterday i went to the Crocs sales in Expo, SIngapore.. My goodness, I was really shocked by the crowd.. The queue was so long that another hall was opened just for the queue!! I have been queuing for about 1.5 hours to get into the hall (particularly for crocs), half an hour shopping and 2 hours to pay for the bill!!! I tell myself i will not do this again!! Ever!! But it was really a good bargain.. I have got 7 pairs of shoes & sandals for only S$160. Yeah yeah......
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