Thursday, September 18, 2014

Charles started to communicate

Charles is not a quick learner in speech compare to Benji. Sometimes when he wanted to express something but he couldn't he get frustrated and cry. 

Recently he started to speak some words other than papa, mammy, kor kor... He will tell me 晒晒,烧烧,car, 要,nen nen, 桶桶,and some other little things.. Oh, even the 妹妹.. (^.^)

I am touched when he speak to me.. Is bo doubt a big achievement.. Charles is a boy active and intelligent in his move and action.. He can do many things out of expectation.. He run fast even he is so petite.. Super fast... -.-|| 

I am glad that he can started to communicate with me and make my guardian to him easier that I will know what he wants thru his words.. 

Charles, mummy hope u grow healthy and happy.. Love u always..

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