Thursday, June 18, 2009

Loreal Warehouse Sales

18th June 2009, Thursday

With all the encouragement from my friends in facebook, asking me to "contribute" in the Loreal warehouse sales, Hence I have finally decided to "ffk" Alvin today and go to the sales!! Sorry dear.. haha..

Initially I thought of getting myself ONLY sunblock, eye cream & mascara... However, the sales offers extremely good deal.. After experiencing the mind & heart war, I left the place with eye cream, makeup remover, concealer & and lotion in my bag!! Hm.. I share share with Joanna for the concealer & lotion (which come in the pack of 2).. hahha.. spend so little for so many items.. syiok la..

dear alvin.. you really gotto thank loreal sales for cutting down my anger.. Otherwise, i think you will have to suffer for another few days.. bear with my nag, scream and #%$*((&^%&% (bad words).. haha...

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